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wonder woven LLC

P.O. Box 5873

Santa Monica, CA 90404



Exquisitely crafted handwoven wraps for wearing your baby or toddler.




The new loom!

Tracy Bromwich

Order is restored!

Order is restored!

The new loom is finally up and running! Formerly a pile of wood in a graduate student's bedroom, Wilma has been lovingly reassembled and is dressed with her first wrap! It's been quite a job getting her to this point and it's so rewarding to finally get a chance to weave. It's my first experience with a countermarche. It's very different from my trusty old Mac. I think I love them both for different reasons. Wilma is spacious and airy - she inspires a lofty feeling sitting on the bench. Freddy is no-nonsense - totally practical and grounded. They make a great pair! It's not likely to increase my productivity but having a second loom will allow me to work more efficiently. I'm often falling in love with a specific weft and then waiting ages to get enough to finish a project. No more worries about waiting on yarn! So you can appreciate the journey - here are some progress pics...

The pile of wood.

The pile of wood.

The kids are convinced I'm setting up a new play structure.

The kids are convinced I'm setting up a new play structure.

The only thing I had to add - a sectional beam. This picture was taken after hamming in all 240 metal pegs!

The only thing I had to add - a sectional beam. This picture was taken after hamming in all 240 metal pegs!

Ah, the string heddles! They slow me down but they sure are pretty!

Ah, the string heddles! They slow me down but they sure are pretty!

Nora demonstrates my excitement.

Nora demonstrates my excitement.