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wonder woven LLC

P.O. Box 5873

Santa Monica, CA 90404



Exquisitely crafted handwoven wraps for wearing your baby or toddler.




Wefts in Waiting

Tracy Bromwich

There's no more waiting on yarn but this week the yarn waits on me. These freshly wound skeins of hand-dyed hemp are all ready for me. But with my youngest two suffering from a bad stomach bug there has been no time to weave. Hopefully, I'll get to it today if all goes well. These are meant for the cottolin warp below, shown with a cottolin weft above and an Egyptian Cotton weft below. Again, if things go well, I should be getting to the end of this warp  in the coming week. Let's hope nobody throws up today!

Cottolin Warp with blue cottolin weft

Cottolin Warp with blue cottolin weft

Cottolin warp with Egyptian Cotton weft

Cottolin warp with Egyptian Cotton weft

The warp colors

The warp colors