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wonder woven LLC

P.O. Box 5873

Santa Monica, CA 90404



Exquisitely crafted handwoven wraps for wearing your baby or toddler.




Midnight Kisses

Tracy Bromwich

Midnight Kisses 

Weary mama, calling babe

Sleepy kisses in the night

Soft, slow strokes of messy hair

Babe tucked in close, eyes shut tight

Milky breath upon my face

Sweet caress of softest skin

Snuggled close, I hold one tight

While another flutters within

Motherhood’s great joys

Fleeting moments, like morning mist

Gone in a blink but held in my heart

And so I treasure each midnight kiss

Christina Barba 1/12/14

Midnight Kisses 

Midnight Kisses 

Four of these wraps will be listed in my shop tomorrow at 5 pm Pacific.