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wonder woven LLC

P.O. Box 5873

Santa Monica, CA 90404



Exquisitely crafted handwoven wraps for wearing your baby or toddler.




Sarah's custom wrap

Tracy Bromwich

Magenta cottolin weft

Magenta cottolin weft

Black cotton weft

Black cotton weft

Sophia helping to select the weft color.

Sophia helping to select the weft color.

For the past month I've had the pleasure of working with a very sweet mama on the design of a custom wrap for her daughter's first birthday. The collaboration was a lot of fun and I'm really happy with the results. (My daughter is also enthralled.) I'm not sure this is a color scheme I would have arrived at working alone. It's so great to get an outside perspective now and then and to help realize another person's ideas. I look forward to a time when I am able to take on this sort of project on a regular basis.