wind flower
Wind Flower is a custom colorway for the Anchorage MatSu Valley Babywearers. I'm really excited to be working directly with these sweet mamas. They provided me with such beautiful inspiration pictures! Below is the mock-up for the warp, which will be 100% cottolin. This one will be heading to the loom soon!
Here it is warped!
with silver cotton weft
Some weft choices. From left: the superwash wool in midnight, steel, lapis and ecru; the cotton in EC cloud grey, light yellow, dark green, light green, EC sea foam, EC blue-green, peacock; MadTosh superwash lace in Jade, Mica, Aura, Well Water.
Superwash wool wefts - from bottom of woven sample and left of pirns (lowest color is the silver cotton): MadTosh Superwash merino lace in Aura, Mica, Well Water and Jade; Superwash merino lambswool in Midnight, Steel and Lapis.
Cotton/Cottolin wefts (from bottom of woven sample and left of pirns): Sea Foam EC, Blue-green EC, Turquoise, light green, dark green, Blue-grey EC, Peacock organic cotton, Neptune cottolin and Green-grey cottolin.
Lapis superwash weft
MadTosh "Aura" superwash merino lace weft